New Blog Post: In Conversation with Dr Filippo Cervelli & Dr Ben Schaper
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As we move into 2021, we return with new episodes of The Exchanges Discourse podcast. In our first episode this year I'm joined by two guests, in a session recorded just before Christmas. Please do listen and let me know what you think.
The Cultural Representations of Nerds – in Conversation with Dr Filippo Cervelli & Dr Ben Schaper
'In this episode recorded at the end of 2020 we are joined by Dr Schaper and Dr Cervelli two scholars who’ve been working for the journal for the past year on a special issue. Reflecting on their experiences of involvement with Exchanges, the pair also discuss the background and motivations for the issue. Finally, they also share some advice for first-time academic authors. The related event and issue will be appearing, later in 2021.'
Suggestions for future guests or episode themes, more than welcome.
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