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October 13, 2022

In Conversation with Sharon Coleclough

Writing about web page https://exchanges.warwick.ac.uk/index.php/exchanges/podcast

It’s been a busy few weeks, what with the start of term, new fellows and in the background working to recruit new editorial board members (of which more in a few weeks). However, there was still time to record a couple more episodes of the Exchanges Discourse Podcast with authors on our recent ‘lonely nerds’ special issue. It is safe to say, as with my previous one with Alena, these were two highly enjoyable and content rich conversations with two delightfully gracious researchers. Honestly, I think we could have spoken for almost double the time if I’d not been keeping an eye on the clock.

So you can of course listen to the episode for yourself, and look forward to the next one which is already ‘in the can’ and will be heading your way hopefully in the very near future too. And after that – it’s all hands on deck for the publication of issue 10.1 of Exchanges at the end of the month. October, it’s never been a quiet month!

Listen to the episode here:

In this episode we talk to Sharon Coleclough (Senior Lecturer, Culture, Heritage and Society, Staffordshire University, UK) about her research and publications; focussing on her Exchanges article So Many Ways to be an Outsider: ‘Nerdism’ and ethnicity as signifiers of otherness which appeared in our recent Lonely Nerdsspecial issue. We talk about her research into representation, and her exciting progress into new avenues of publication and research. The episode touches on advice for postgraduate and early career researchers in terms of establishing your personal brand, researching your passions and how to accept feedback on your writing more effectively.

For all past episodes of the podcast, you can find a complete listing on this page.

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