All entries for Thursday 12 January 2023

January 12, 2023

Top of the Chats: Exchanges Discourse Most Popular Episodes 2022

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The EIC looks back at the Exchanges Discourse podcast listener figures to uncover 2022’s most popular episodes.

Happy new year Exchanges blog readers. As is tradition [1] at the start of each year I like to have a quick check of the stats relating to the journal. First up, it’s the Exchanges Discourse podcast. Last year (2022) we released 17 episodes with a total running time of 6hrs 49mins – almost double the duration of the content we released the previous year. Were our authors more loquacious? In part, yes, but also the four additional episodes probably helped to boost the total a little.

For interest – here’s a link back to last year’s charts.

Interestingly, 15/17 episodes in 2022 featured a guest [2] with only a couple being solo episodes featuring myself. Anyway, here are the top chats of the year:

  1. In Conversation with Elloit Cardoza (Feb ’22) [Total Audience Share: 16%]
  2. In Conversation with Mehdi Moharami (Jan ’22) [Total Audience Share: 13%]
  3. In Conversation with Francesca Brunetti (June ’22) [Total Audience Share: 8%]
  4. What Do I Get Out of Publishing with Exchanges? (Mar ’22) [Total Audience Share: 8%] [3]
  5. In Conversation with Alena Cicholewski (Sept ’22) [Total Audience Share: 7%]

Unsurprisingly, those recorded and released towards the start of the year do benefit from a longer lead time than the later ones, although I’m delighted to see my lovely chat with Alena in September is there among the most popular. I am also slightly flabbergasted to see one of my solo efforts charting so high. It’s not that they’re ‘less worthy’ entries, but I’ve rather naturally assumed the friends and colleagues of our guests would always boost the episodes they appear in above my own solo entries.

My thanks as always to all my guests, and of course the listeners too – I hope you all enjoyed and benefitted from the experience.

So, what’s coming up in 2023? The good news is the first new episode is only a day or so away from release as I recorded it just ahead of the Xmas break. After that…ah, spoilers sweetie!

Happy listening!



[1] It’s not a long-standing tradition, dating back only a couple of years, but a tradition nevertheless.

[2] Including one author who came back for seconds!

[3] A very slightly lower overall number of listeners compared to (3), but not enough to shift the stats.

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