December 15, 2010

Recent donations and interviews

Writing about web page

Some news of donations and interviews since September:

* Mary Trimble drove up from Devon to generously donate a number of journal back issues to fill in gaps in our collection. We also recorded an interview with her about her career and that of her late husband, Louis Trimble.

* Gareth Owen contacted us from South Africa having seen the Hall of Fame Lionel Billows page. During a trip to Birmingham he gave us some books on our request list, and also donated a copy of his own privately printed book, Recollections of a Wayfaring TEFLER: English Language Teaching in Four Continents 1966-1998, for which we're very grateful. We recorded an interview with him at the time of his visit.

* Roger Bowers also kindly agreed to be interviewed for the 'British Council involvement with ELT' project.

* Shelagh Rixon and I interviewed Brian Abbs and Ingrid Freebairn at Brian's home about their long-standing and ground-breaking creative partnership writing coursebooks (since the 1970s). This included asking Brian to reminisce about and contextualize some of the pre-publication materials he donated to the Warwick ELT Archive some time ago.

* We sent a shipment of duplicate copies of books to the Bangalore Regional Institute of English to fill in gaps in their own collection, and hope to build further on this link in the future.

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  • Congratulations, Richard! by Carmen Mortara on this entry

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