History of English Language Education in China: Textbook Bibliographies and Catalogue
Writing about web page https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/research/collections/elt_archive/resources/china/
by Yi Zhang
New resources on the history of English language education in China have been added to the Warwick ELT Archive website (HELE-China). These include three working bibliographies of Chinese ELT textbooks and a catalogue of books in the Warwick ELT Archive collection.
The working bibliographies cover: ELT textbooks before 1949, primary school ELT textbooks (1949–2000), and middle school ELT textbooks (1949–2000), documenting major series used in China across different periods.
The collection catalogue contains important donations from Bob Adamson and Simon Smith alongside materials from the existing Archive. While still limited, the collection is expanding and currently has books spanning from 1934 to 2023. (Donations of books beyond those currently listed are warmly welcomed.)
The Warwick ELT Archive’s China collection is being developed by the History of Language Learning and Teaching Research Circle, a group at the University of Warwick led by Prof. Richard Smith. Supported by funding from the A.S. Hornby Educational Trust, the project seeks to map and selectively digitise resources relevant to the history of English language education in China while fostering research in this field.
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