April 10, 2017

Learning the lessons of working with the British Library's Digital Content & Data for your research

Writing about web page https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/learning-the-lessons-of-working-with-the-british-librarys-digital-content-and-data-for-your-tickets-33438891625

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A series of presentations exploring the British Library's digital collections, how they have been used and the lessons learned by working with researchers who want to use them. This will be followed by discussions and feedback around potential ideas of working with the Library's data.

The Roadshow will showcase examples of the British Library’s digital content and data, addressing some of the challenges and issues of working with it, and how interesting and exciting projects from researchers, artists, educators and entrepreneurs have been developed via the annual British Library Labs Competition and Awards. This year we intend to focus on some of the lessons we have learned over the last four years of working with the Labs, promote our awards and get attendees thinking of what they might do with the British Library's collections. The team will also talk about future plans at the Library to support Digital Scholarship. The day will also include presentations on current research being undertaken, and digital humanities technical tools being used at the University of Warwick.

Date and Time:
Monday 8 May 2017, 12:30 - 16:00

FREE and inlcudes lunch and refreshments.

Wolfson Research Exchange, Floor 3, Library extension, Library Road, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL

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