November 11, 2013

Scare stories about USS pension scheme are overblown

There is an excellent article by Ros Altmann, the well known pensions expert, in the Financial Times today.

She says that the concerns about the USS deficit that have been expressed by John Ralfe (on BBC Newsnight and in the FT) are overblown.

Hers is a similar argument that Con Keating and myself put forward in somewhat less measured language last week.

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  1. Dave Guppy


    You (and Con etc) do a good job in prodding/educating us in the sometimes arcane world of pensions. In particular, the current, malign valuation regime. I only wish some of the employer’s representatives read and took to heart your critique.

    Best, Dave Guppy (ex UCU USS Director)

    12 Nov 2013, 00:33

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