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Contact details
Email: d.leech(at)
About me
- Name
- Dennis Leech
- Dept
- Staff: Economics
I am an emeritus professor of economics at Warwick University.
Blog Stats
- Posts: 160
- Comments: 66
- Comments by owner: 16
- Images: 30
- Number of times in people's favourites: 2
Most recent entries
- Comments on the USS valuation
- USS and Capital Exhaustion
- A critical note on USS valuation methodology
- David Miles' Response
- Miles and Sefton on USS capital exhaustion
- Pension scheme valuation versus pension funding and the cost of prudence (with reference to USS)
- USS Governance: Changes to the Articles of Associaiton of the trustee company
- The USS dispute is not about cost sharing but the survival of defined benefit pensions: a rejoinder
- USS Institutions Meeting very disappointing
- A question for the USS executive