November 16, 2009

Free Bike Registration

Writing about web page

Resident PC Mick Parkes will be registering bikes for free on Monday 16 November between 12:30 – 14:00.

You can find PC Parkes out by Bike Racks at entrance to Bio Sci building. He will register your bike for free (normally this service costs £11.95) which will help protect your bike from theft. Campus Security as well as the local Police station will hold details of your bike.

Many bikes stolen on campus do get found by Campus Security or the local Police, but it is sometimes impossible to identify the owner. If your bike does get stolen then by registering it with PC Parkes you have a much better opportunity of it being reunited with you should it be recovered.

- 4 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. John Cremona

    How was this announced? I only just heard about it (on Tuesday 17th) so missed the opportunity. If it happens again can we have an announcement via the BUG list?

    17 Nov 2009, 11:48

  2. Andrew Marsh

    Tracy Phipps (Head of Security) says it will take place weekly until they run out of kits to register bikes.

    I am not sure of the next time/place but I suspect it may be as above.

    20 Nov 2009, 17:41

  3. Catherine Fenn

    Just to clarify, my knowledge of Gibbet Hill session came from direct contact with PC Mick Parkes. Mick had been told that message would be circulated via email to all staff at Gibbet but nothing appeared in my inbox. Registration was within sight of my office and Mick was kept very very busy!.

    Weekly sessions are being held at Uni House and by SU with Wednesday 12 – 2pm being the regular time slot. If I hear any more will post an update.

    23 Nov 2009, 10:22

  4. Catherine Fenn

    Seems the regular sessions have shifted to the Piazza.

    27 Nov 2009, 11:59

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