Cycle Training Instructors
Likely to be around Coventry over the next few years?
Looking for a bit of extra money by having an interesting, fun and rewarding casual job in the outdoors?
One way to "put something back" into cycling and at the same time have an interesting, fun and rewarding casual job is to become a Cycle Training Instructor.
Tony Benn the Cycle Training Co-ordinator for Coventry City Council is always looking to increase the size of his team. So many cycling events these days have so few young people involved says Tony. "Our training is designed to provide a positive cycling experience for children and to make them more familiar with their bicycle and road situations. We want to encourage more journeys by bicycle or to quote my favourite catch phrase More Cycling, More Safely, More Often".
The team of cycle training instructors offers cyclist training for groups of children and adults encouraging safe and confident riders. Tony is looking to enlarge the team to cope with an ever increasing demand for cycle training courses. He needs to expand the bank of people willing to work a variety of hours depending on when courses are required. Most of the training takes place within schools so applicants will need some availability between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm on at least some weekdays. The number of hours will vary and can be tailored to fit around existing commitments. The ability to travel to various sites throughout Coventry is needed in order to undertake these duties. What better way to get a few cycling miles in!
Salary: £7.03 per hour to £7.53 per hour (pay award pending) If you are interested in becoming an instructor or even arranging some training contact Tony on 024 7683 2032 or e-mail
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