February 09, 2021

Adam Boniface Scott

My name is Adam Boniface Scott. I've written a speech of my views on what's happening right now regarding the pandemic and disabilities. I have autism and mild learning difficulties.

People with learning disabilities have been forgotten about and been treated horrifying badly during the pandemic and even before that. From people not being listened to to people who need help but for the sake of a money bonus they are being refused.

Not being recognised on the covid 19 vaccine list as vulnerable to even a hospital prioritising if someone should live or die of covid based if they had a disability or not.

Carers who aren't trained properly in certain disabilities who are instead of trying to understand are blinded by ignorance and closed mindedness to the possibility that people with disabilities non verbal or very talkative has still got a voice. Non verbal doesn't mean they can't communicate but means they have their own way of communication and it's the ignorance of people not willing to learn that personal individuals personal way of communication.

There’s still people with disabilities in care homes being treated like prisoners in a holding cell unable to live a long healthy life with support helping them to enjoy but also support them in their daily lives.

Cuts to social care during a Pandemic especially is very much a sign of discrimination against disabilities when actually it's already underfunded.

Pip assessments are assessed by people who don't have any information or knowledge of disabilities and hence why many people with a disability is losing out on money they need to help with support needs.

Direct payments needs be accessible to all them who need support in the care sector even if it’s for respite and social workers need the right training to help support people in the care system with disabilities and adults services.

These reasons are why we without a doubt need a massive reform in our care system because people with disabilities deserve to be as happy and healthy as anybody else. It's our human rights at the end of the day.

I heard about the Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study because of Disability Sheffield. This is their website: https://www.disabilitysheffield.org.uk/

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