October 06, 2016

The first week

Writing about web page https://chandramusings.wordpress.com/2016/10/06/the-first-week/

I believe words are insufficient to explain the exhilaration I felt when I first got out of the cab close to the Student Union building. There I was on my first day at Warwick, standing in awe of the hustle and bustle and unfathomable racial diversity, all contained in one place around me. So many students walking to and fro, looking just as lost as me, yet just as excited to get started as me. And as I pulled my luggages and moved to my destination, I couldn’t help but grin to myself and get all excited inside about how many new people I would meet and friends I would make: and so I made my way through the rest of the first day.

Let me fast-forward to today, day 9. Over the past week or so, I have met countless international students from all over the world and been educated about various cultures. The Bulgarian Moussaka (a potato/eggplant based dish layered with ground meat), the grand Folk Dance Festival of Lithuania held once every four years and lasting for 3 whole days, and did you know that Slovenia has a population of merely 2.06 million people even though being 29 times the size of Singapore? I have never been more fascinated, and this diversity absolutely blows my mind. I can’t help feeling that the more I connect with everyone around me, I am learning more in this short span of time than ever before in the past 20 years of my life. For that, I am appreciative, and certainly look forward to much much more in time to come.

For tonight, I’m just thanking my lucky stars I was fortunate enough to choose to come to Warwick.

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