June 27, 2019

Term 3: Final Year

Oh, how time flies! It seemed like just last week that I was writing the last blog post about looking forward to Term 3 and graduation season, and here we are already. This term, I have not only studied for exams, but it has also seen me confirm my post-graduation plans, both for my career and leisure.

While I have been through 2 previous exam seasons at Warwick, this year has been significantly different (read: tougher). Having to prepare for 7 exams, all of which were harder than the modules in previous years was challenging enough - but the various changes in timetabling took it to the next level. Regardless, I worked on setting out a clear study plan with allowance for changes, and that helped me cope. This exam season has not only challenged me to work more efficiently, it has also taught me to surround myself with the right company. Especially in final year, many of my friends took different modules from me, so I decided to study with other peers who were more talented academically, and that helped me keep myself on track. I am thankful for these study mates as it reminded me that I was not alone amidst this exam season. Ultimately, the exam season came, and just like that it ended - voilà, I was finally done with exams!

During the exam season, I also continued to focus on my job applications, as I wanted to have concrete post-summer plans. I am elated to say that I have been offered a job in London, at one of the firms I most wanted to work with. I am thankful for all the friends and seniors who have helped in any way by giving advice, or looking over my cover letters. More than anything, the moral support that I have had has been monumental, and I look forward to doing the same for my juniors. There is now the whole excitement of looking forward to living in London, which is a dream come true for me! Now, my biggest worry is where to travel with my family after graduation ceremony - an entirely different set of problems than before.

My time in Warwick has been an absolutely blessed one, and I cannot be more grateful for the scholarship which has given me this opportunity to make my university experience the best one that I could ask for. I have had laughter, made tons of new friends/ memories, and even had tough times, but when all is said and done, it has definitely been an unforgettable and unique experience. To think that I have now joined the ranks of the alumni of The University of Warwick gives me great pride and joy, and I cannot think of a better way to end my Undergraduate experience. Till next time!

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