Term 1 Round Up: Part 2
For winter celebrations, I decided to go with my AIESEC friends to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park. Although we got lost initially, we had a whale of a time and got to know each other much better as well.
Going on all the rides and screaming my heart out, on top of eating all sorts of good food, was a great experience. Furthermore, it’s always nice to be in London with friends, so what could have made this experience better? I’m really glad I went.
And now that I’m back in Warwick after a long (and in my opinion, well-deserved) Christmas break, winter has brought a cool air upon the school. Everyone is swishing about in their fashionable overcoats and parka jackets, and there are no more leaves littering the walkway: even the trees are bare but elegant in their own way.
Makes it hard not to love Warwick, really. Till next time.
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