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April 19, 2021

The Future Mobility Technology: Everyone is a stakeholder

For an aspiring doctoral candidate in Power Electronics or Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, it is often a herculean task to decide the best research group to join and undertake their research. Similarly, the stakeholders in the automotive industry face the same challenge when hunting for high-quality doctoral candidates to work on their organisation’s real-world projects. Omotoso Olutayo shares his experience at the centre and the reasons why the CDT-FMT meets both students’ and stakeholders’ needs.

cdt_state_of_the_art.pngAre you an aspiring doctoral candidate or a stakeholder interested in Future Mobility Technologies (FMT) or in the emerging automotive industry? As an aspiring doctoral candidate, are you looking for a rich student experience where you enjoy cross-disciplinary interaction with other cohorts, and work with the best experts in the industry while researching in world-leading and top-quality research facilities in the most digitally savvy university? Or, as an automotive industry stakeholder, would you consider a partnershipwhere you sponsor adoctoral candidate of excellence who would work on your organisation’s state-of-the-art projects, with the simultaneous benefit of being able to claim back costs associated with funding via Research and Development Tax Relief? Do ask me, I’ll tell you that the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT): To advance the deployment of Future Mobility Technology (FMT)is your definite choice as a researcher, student, or stakeholder —considering innumerable available opportunities. I’ll try to share a few of these, as a current second year student in the CDT-FMTbeing sponsored by Lyra Electronics. Here we go….

To start with, I feel so delighted researching at the University of Warwick,ranked 8thin the UK, 62ndin the world and within the top universities for highest learning. One would not be taken aback by these, considering the state-of-the-art facilities in the School of Engineeringand the Warwick Manufacturing group (WMG)—the mother departments of the CDT-FMT.

cdt-fmt_research_students.pngAs a student at the CDT-FMT, you’ve got plenty of study flexibilities to enjoy. For instance, in your first year, you have the opportunity to undertake certain modules being delivered by top professors in your chosen area. These modules are designed to consolidate the students’ previous knowledge, or better still, to give them new skills related to their chosen area of interest. Interestingly, during same year, students engage in a Cohort Project as a group working on a real-world industrial problem —exactly the practice of Engineers in the industry. This promotes cross-disciplinary interaction and creates a stimulating and supportive network which makes the student’s journey to the research life unimaginably easy.

Besides, a broad range of backgrounds are welcome at the centre — ranging from engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, computer science, all the way to socio-technical studies, in a way that allows you to choose your study-mode as either full-time or part-time depending on your circumstances. Similarly, as a researcher, you enjoy studying in a diverse community with the most talented students and staff members, without discrimination of any kind and equal opportunity for everyone. It is worth mentioning that, Warwickholds a silver Award from Athena Swan, The School of Engineering obtained the Silver Charter mark"Recognising advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all" while the WMG holds a Bronze Award.

peater_lab_3.pngLet us now get into accommodations, as it is one of the primary concerns for prospective students. The University of Warwickis surrounded by beautiful and hospitable towns like Coventry, Warwick, Leamington Spa, and Kenilworth where great accommodations are available — in addition to many on-campus options to choose from! Finally, study spaces and the library are common resources in every university, but the uniqueness varies in each university. At the centre, researchers have access to well-equipped COVID-safe personal spacious study spaces as well as cohort-based spaces and labs. The library and IT services are world-class wherein you are cocksure of getting every of your research needs and support being delivered by highly trained professionals. Just as the saying goes ‘‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’’ —this is my experience at the centre.

By Omotoso Olutayo MIET

Olutayo is a Second Year EngD/PhD student at Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT): To advance the deployment of Future Mobility Technology (FMT), School of Engineering. He is being sponsored by Lyra Electronicsand his research interest focuses on converter design (AC-DC, DC-DC) from concept through to prototyping using the underpinning technologies in wide bandgap devices. You can connect with him on LinkedIn hereor bymail — olutayo.omotoso@warwick.ac.uk

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