All entries for April 2013

April 25, 2013

Media and Passion

Writing about web page

Kony 2012

Academics from all over the world gathered to discuss ‘media and passion’ at the University of Lund, Sweden on 21st March 2013. The keynote panels of Profs Stephen Coleman and John Corner, Leeds University, UK, and Prof Joke Hermes, Inholland University, Netherlands and Dr Gavan Titley, National University of Ireland, covered topics as diverse as emotions of voters, moral sentiments and politics, discourses of art and culture reviewing, and the new kinds of people who are saying what they think and feel about culture and news. My own paper was concerned with ‘Emotion Online: Theorizing Affect in Kony 2012’ and was drawn from the forthcoming co-authored book Emotion Online: Theorizing Affect on the Internet (Palgrave, 2013), written with Dr Kristyn Gorton, Department of Television Studies, University of York. Much of the conference revolved around dualisms (which were never fully effaced or escaped from): elite versus popular passions; goodness versus evil (of media, of culture, of politics, of criticism); apathy versus compassion; affect versus rational thought; old versus new media; passivity versus participation. In panels covering communities of passion; subjectivity and audiences; political culture; press and passion; popular culture; passion and the ‘political’; music and internet; and affective media, participants encountered the multitudinous possibilities for exploring the relationship between mass media, digital media, mobile media and emotion, affect, passion, sentiment, expression, fandom, love, compassion, care, regard and feeling. That the papers covered everything from blogging, to TV, to political journalism, to viral campaigns, from gaming to opera, and music to hobby websites, shows that the field of ‘emotion studies’ (if there is such a thing) is in a nascent state.

There are key theorists of emotion and these were sometimes mentioned but not always, and again this suggests that media and passion cannot yet call upon an agreed canon of literature to review. Sara Ahmed’s Cultural Politics of Emotion (2004); Kathleen Stewart’s Ordinary Affects (2007); Laurent Berlant’s Cruel Optimism (2011) were cited. These have offered erudite if sometimes frustrating readings of the emotionality of texts. For the empiricists among the conference crowd, the Internet, with its archiving power, has perhaps offered the best opportunity for researchers to ‘capture’ the representation and construction of emotion long enough for them to qualitatively and quantitatively research it. But this comes at a price. Not everything emotive online may be worth researching. As snapshots of cultural activity, re-snap-shotted by researchers as examples of something (not always sure what), emotion, passion and affect can become reiterated as without temporality and context. We are always unsure of how to geo-locate and tie down what we see online into everyday real world experience (policy or practice). So we stay on the surface of the textual (discourse, ideology, performance).

This lack of temporal and (to some extent) spatial approaches to studying emotion and passion as they circulate in personal, local, national and global economies (or commodity chains) can lead to a kind of cultural study of feeling that is dislocated from history, historiography, memory, and place. It may mean that media studies researchers need to be even more interdisciplinary than they think they are. In societies where public space and the public sphere are becoming defined by the repression of emotion or of too much commoditized emotion, the online sphere seems to provide a space where technologies offer creative opportunities for fandom, obsession, passion, excitement, happiness, silliness and nonsense. This has attracted researchers of culture, community, society, media and politics because the increasing public facing intimacy of people’s lives appears to broaden opportunities for ethnographic and netnographic research.

Here is the rub though? How to research emotion, passion and affect? What methodologies to use? Should we be empirical and scientific? How will the duration of emotion be researched? How can we understand the expression of passion diachronically on and offline? What opportunities for critically reflecting upon their passions are the observed users, audiences, fans and participants afforded within culture and by researchers? These questions were not really asked as the field of research is still in the phase of working out what to research. While some argued that not all forms of mediatized passion were of value, others believed that, as passion is popular, all forms of passion were worthy of academic attention. The final issue that (as far as I was able to ascertain) was not dealt with was the implication of the researcher’s passion with respect to the object of study. Slavoj Zizek (2012 [online]) has argued of the Occupy Movement, that the protesters may be in danger of falling in love with themselves. Likewise, as academics now feel much freer than ever (in the light of popular culture studies, fan studies and participatory media studies) to research the things we love and are in love with. To what extent should the researcher critically reflect upon their inability to separate themselves from their projects?

Teresa Brennan in The Transmission of Affect (2004) discusses at length the impossibility of separating the self from all kinds of atmospheres, surfaces, objects, screens, non-humans and humans who transmit affect. In all the papers, including my own, academics were trying to make visible passion, emotion and affect just long enough to analyse it. Yet, the ‘the transmission of affect does not sit well with an emphasis on individualism, on sight, and cognition’, that is ‘based on the notion that the objective is in some way free from affect’ (Brennan 2004, 19). So what of the researcher’s emotional capital as they seek to construct (subjective/objective) knowledge about all sorts of passions within a knowledge economy? For example, as Prof John Corner discussed the opening out of review culture to new kinds of voices (some rude, some appreciative) critiquing TV, film and the arts, it did occur to me that academic conferences never allow a range of voices to review their merits. It would be impossible to have a ‘rate my academic conference’ tab on a website that allowed anyone to post their comments regardless of whether they had actually attended the conference or not. Researchers step into popular passion projects at their peril.

In The Cultural Politics of Emotion (2004) Sara Ahmed posits ‘affective economies’ as a useful way of discussing the emotional capital that underlies how we construct our understanding of the world. She argues that ‘affect does not reside positively in the sign or commodity, but is produced as an effect of its circulation’ (Ahmed 2004, 45-46). When, where and how affect circulates has become very interesting to marketers, global companies and media businesses. Affect, is also circulating more widely and freely in the academy. Those in ‘white coats’ (to coin an emotive phrase) may be the ones to whom media, culture, heritage and leisure industries go to for insights on passion and serendipity. As with ‘memory studies’ a decade ago, ‘emotion studies’ may need to think about staking some real territory. Yet, it became clear from the conference that we did not all feel the same way about the purpose of the research we were presented with. Just as emotions circulate within media economies, so too do the theories, paradigms and methodologies to research them circulate almost too freely and resist being pinned down. They do not necessarily move from one person/researcher to another in a straightforward manner. As Sara Ahmed explains: ‘even when we feel we have the same feeling, we don’t necessarily have the same relationship to the feeling’ (2004, 10).

April 24, 2013

Official visit to AMU Poznan

Poznan City Square

In autumn of last year the Centre was visited by Dr Marcin Poprowski of the Institute of Cultural Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) of Poznan, Poland. I was similarly invited to Poland, and with a welcome letter from the Mayor Ryszard Grobelny spent the week starting the 4th of April on an official academic visit. The AMU is often quoted as the third most prestigious university in the country, so I was intrigued as to what I would find. I had been on the organization committee of a conference hosted in Krakow about 6 years ago, but my knowledge of Poland has remained limited. This visit became something of a crash course in the history and culture of Poland seen through the lens of historic Poznan. Marcin had investing a lot of time in organizing my week, and I am grateful for what was an extraordinary and productive time.

Poznan is a city about half the size of Birmingham in terms of population, yet with what, in my estimation, is double the investment in culture. I arrived on the Sunday and immediately taken on a quick-stop afternoon tour around the city by Marcin, from the main city plazas, institutions and palaces, grand churches and the cathedral area, site of a would-be artist’s quarter. The Monday morning began with an introduction to one of the campuses of AMU and the person of Prof. Jacek Sójka, who is the head of the Institute. The morning was the occasion of my main public lecture (see picture below). The audience included the deputy mayors for culture and economic development (who both asked pertinent questions), as well as cultural sector people and a lot of students or staff connected to Marcin. My lecture was called (rather over-adventurously) ‘Cultural Strategy and Economic Development: challenges for the European City’. The challenge for this lecture was that I had little advance knowledge of the audience (being open to the ‘public’), so I made sure I had lots of images and examples and built the talk about some big issues. The main argument of the paper was that the dominant model of city development in Europe in the last 20 years (in Western Europe, inherited and now in question for the post-communist East) has confused business development with economic development. Put another way, the concept of ‘economy’ has become synonymous with profit-making business and industry. I discussed this through various examples of ‘creative city’, creative class and other models of ‘new economy’ development in European cities, arguing for an understanding of economy based on a broader concept of capital. Here, culture helps us understand, among other things, the complexity of the nature of capital, particularly in cities.

Further departmental meetings were followed by another tour of the city. In the evening I was the guest speaker at a city association called Bona Fide, of which Marcin is a member. The association is a group of young professionals in Poznan, and who asked me to give a talk on ‘The Visual Dimensions of a City’. It was a great meeting, ending around 10:30pm. On Tuesday Marcin made possible a long meeting with Dariusz Jaworski the Deputy Mayor for culture, sport and education, in the grand City Hall buildings. Dariusz, though young, was an eminent journalist, now attempting to spearhead a strong cultural agenda in the city. After my public lecture the day before I was handed a number of City Hall publications on urban development and city cultural planning (all in English). The level of organization as well as aspiration for the city was quite impressive. Another afternoon saw me explore the city’s cultural institutions and architecture, camera in hand, paying particular attention to the war memorials. Late afternoon I addressed Marcin’s masters students on the creative economy in Europe, particularly in the light of their career interests and working. The day ended with a concert by the HalasTrio (Polish Folk) in a place called the Dragon Club, a fascinating cultural space created within a series of converted town houses.

During the rest of the week I visited other cultural organisations, such as the impressive Zamek Cultural Centre, who are not core-funded by the city but manage to sustain a significant and adventurous breadth of cultural activities engaged with the city. The Concordia Design Centre are also self-sustaining, and operate as a design, research and planning unit, housing a series of incubator spaces, start-up businesses, a large printing business, a bar and restaurant. I also gave an interview for a city newspaper – interested in my views on changing contemporary Poznan. My last appointment was a slightly unnerving TV interview by an independent media production company: it was filmed on top of the highest building in Poznan, to give that ‘metropolis’ effect. Once finished, I was invited in to meet and talk with one of Poznan’s top business executives (of the Von Der Heyden Group, whose offices were just below) offering me a pragmatic property developer’s view on the city (on the relation between construction cranes, urban policy-making pychology and the dangers of full employment!). This was the end of an equally exhausting and fascinating week, with many discussions on collaboration and the future of cultural policy research in Europe Marcin and I hope to develop…..

Poznan Lecture

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