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About me
- Name
- Steve Fuller
- Dept
- Staff: Sociology
Steve Fuller is Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick. Originally trained in history and philosophy of science, Fuller is best known for his work in the field of ‘social epistemology’, which addresses normative philosophical questions about organized knowledge by historical and social scientific means. He has been recently working on the future of the public intellectual and the university, as well as the biological challenge to the social sciences, especially as it bears on the future of ‘humanity’ as a normative and empirical category. He has published sixteen books and his work has been translated into nearly twenty languages. Relevant recent works include The Knowledge Book: Key Concepts in Philosophy, Science and Culture (Acumen and McGill-Queens, 2007), New Frontiers in Science and Technology Studies (Polity, 2007) Science vs. Religion? (Polity, 2007), Dissent over Descent (Icon, 2008) and The Sociology of Intellectual Life (Sage, 2009). Fuller was awarded in 2007 a ‘higher doctorate’ (D.Litt.) by Warwick for long-term major contributions to scholarship. In 2008, he was Sociology and Social Policy section President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
Blog Stats
- Posts: 22
- Comments: 204
- Comments by owner: 22
- Images: 8
- Number of times in people's favourites: 0
Most recent entries
- My Students Discuss Seven Transhuman Experiments
- Second interview on 'Science: The Art of Living' published
- Interview on My Latest Book, 'The Science: The Art of Living'
- What Crisis of Philosophy?
- ‘Primary Schools Need to Make Children “Media Savvy”
- The Dawn of Weimar Britain: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!
- When scientists lose touch…the case of David Nutt
- Norman Levitt RIP
- Congratulations Obama! The Postmodern Presidency Comes to Oslo