All entries for February 2018

February 26, 2018

Holiday Scheme– day 5!

February Holiday Scheme- day 5!

What an incredible finale to this February Half-Term Holiday Scheme!

Friday morning was kicked off in style with a birthday celebration, featuring a piñata, stuffed with medals as well as sweets, chorus singing and one lucky girl turning five. Happy Birthday, Katie!

Forest School was something a lot of kids were excited about. And it surely delivered. First, the younger age group went to the woodland, hunting for sticks and making mud pies. Have you ever tried roasted marshmallows? They did, and loved it!

In the meantime, back in the room, the older age group were busy putting their business ideas to test in front of a very demanding panel of judges – their own peers. It was wonderful to watch them work in groups, noting down ideas, building models and making up jingles for adverts. Among the fantastic array of business propositions were an animal shelter with a difference, a universal attachment to vacuum cleaners, a healthy ice-cream making machine, and an eco-friendly sewing workshop.

In the afternoon, the groups swapped places, and the older-aged team went to the forest for a challenging task: pick a patch for your tribe, build a den, build defences, and much more, with whatever you can find in the wild. Have you ever made paint in the wood? Clue: you use water to wet the soil and much mud ensues! Meanwhile the younger children were making necklaces, bracelets and ninja warriors.

We are delighted to report that every single child seemed to be enjoying themselves, with some having made firm friends with one another. It’s been a pleasure to look after them and we hope we helped make the week easier for you, parents and carers.

Looking forward to the next school holidays, when we’re planning to have as much fun.

February 23, 2018

Lego workshop– day 4!

Lego 1Lego 2Lego 3

February Holiday Scheme– day 4!

Holiday Scheme- day 4!

What a full and fantastic day we had today! In the morning, we used all of our talent to create some hand-made kites with paper straws, glitter and colourful wool! We then got hungry and made some monster cupcakes, which were ‘dressed’ with blue buttercream icing, white chocolate buttons and biscuits! We saw the white cream turning into blue with some magic liquid and we secretly tasted some of it while decorating the cupcakes!! Yummy!!!

Is if this was not enough, in the afternoon we met the Create, Build and Learn team! They brought with them many different boxes full of Lego pieces and figures and we created many different constructions in groups! This was our first time to see so many different types of Lego!! Our projects turned out to real masterpieces!! After all this, we needed some fresh air and we played games outside!

Yes, we all feel tired, but sooo happy now! Counting the hours until the forest school tomorrow!

February 21, 2018

February Holiday Scheme– day 3!

Wow! Can’t believe day 3 of the holiday scheme is nearly over! What an amazing time we had! We had a minor change in our programme today, the lady from the Hawkwise Falconry was unwell and joined us only for the morning session and not for the whole day as we planned. The holiday scheme staff would like to sincerely apologise for this change. Still, we had a fabulous time with the birds! Children had the chance to learn more about the habits of different types of owls, play with them and hold them in their hands! The lady made the birds fly in the room and fed them in front of us and we were all amazed!

In the afternoon session we went out in the woods and we had a scavenger hunt, where we had to look for the ducks in the lake, count branches and collect flowers and leaves. We ended our day by drawing owls in a step-by-step process, we then painted and decorated them in various ways!

Looking forward to tomorrow’s session, where we will create our own kites, do some cooking and have a Create Build and Learn workshop!

Steve the Juggler

juggler 1Juggler 2

February Holiday Scheme– day 2!

February Holiday Scheme-day 2!

Our second day at the Holiday Scheme was full of diverse activities. In the morning we designed and painted our unique canvases. The children came up with their own ideas and we had some really wonderful masterpieces featuring from Mickey Mouse figures to sharks and robots! After practicing our art skills, we spent some time outside. We were split in two groups and created assault course for the opposite team using hula hoops and cones.

After a well-deserved lunch and rest, ‘Steve the Juggler’ arrived with bags full of goodies for everyone to explore. Steve started his workshop with a brilliant show demonstrating some superb tricks and the children spent the afternoon practising their circus skills. We saw magic tricks, juggling, diablo, stilts and cup tricks (just to name a few). To complete the afternoon, the children performed in front of everyone at the Holiday Scheme. A massive well done to everyone for positively trying to combat these tricky skills!

Can’t wait for the Falconry Experience tomorrow!

Best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

February 20, 2018

Pop Art creations from 19th February!



February Holiday Scheme– day 1!

February Holiday Scheme- day 1!

What a fabulous first day at the February Holiday Scheme! This morning the children were delighted to see the coaches arrive in preparation for their trip. We headed to Coventry’s Herbert Gallery where we took part in a Pop Art activity session. The work the children produced was incredibly imaginative, we even had a life size figure made of magazine cut-outs, thanks Isaac! The children also had chance to explore the Pop Art exhibition and to learn about Lady Godiva from 1000 years ago, unfortunately there was no chocolate in sight.

This afternoon we headed to the Cathedral remains and the children made up a ‘dab’ competition, yes the staff were not familiar with this ‘cool’ move, however, we are now experts! After some fun in the fresh air we walked over to the Transport Museum. Some of the dated automobiles were a hit with the children and so was the penny-farthing.

Overall a fantastic day which was nicely summarised in their own words during circle time when we arrived back at the Grad Deck. We look forward to seeing ‘Steve the Juggler’ tomorrow!

The Holiday Scheme Team

February 2018

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