All entries for Wednesday 01 August 2018

August 01, 2018

Wednesday 1st August 2018

It was a day for learning about warfare technology, admittedly, and thankfully, very rudimentary one at that.

The children split into age groups and our University’s resident scientists, Ian and Anna, led the fascinating workshop, where clay balls, silly explosives and various types of catapult featured to much delight. There was something called a ‘trebuchet’ as well as miniature cannons as well.

The children also had an opportunity to build lego balloon cars and bridges out of various resources. The leaders saw some very strong and sturdy bridges made by the children and some brilliant teamwork. Our younger group took part in a craft activity which involved making mini hot air balloons and lego cars and bridges which was so much fun! We all ended our day by playing parachute games, dodgeball and rounders.

Until next time...

August 2018

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