All 21 entries tagged Motorcycle Travel

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August 17, 2005

Baby Report: Meet Lawrence O'Toole

And here he is...

July 26, 2005

Gadget Report: new RiDE magazine review of my GS bike

This month the British motorcycle magazine RiDE contains an article reviewing 6 of the BMW Gelandestrasse bikes from the last 25 years. The GS is considered by many to be the greatest series built, and definitely one of the toughest vehicles. Much has been written about them, but RiDE's description of my GS Paris Dakar is perhaps the most accurate.

..the best looking bike, the neat White Power shock, the gorgeous Paris-Dakar tank and special paintwork. The bike looks like it belongs on a gin palace in Monte Carlo bay being pampered by Playboy bunny girls…

12 years old, a pensioner by bike standards, and still being described by the coolest bike magazine as the best GS - a Hugh Hefner of a bike! As for the test, which included both road and serious off-roading:

…the 100 felt it would simply keep on leaning…the 100 BMW found a balance of chassis and power that's a match for any of its descendents.

I had better start riding a bit more excitedly then!

And on the bumpy stuff it's smooth and poised. It's also more sure-footed than either the later 1100 or 1150 Adventure.
Juggling clutch, brake and power on tight turns is simple and the riding position feels spot on.

Wow. I'll be going the long way round then. Or at least i'll go for a run down the Oxford Track byway if it stays dry.

July 18, 2005

Discussion Primer: More evidence of the appaling state of the NHS

A report on the Today programme this morning made clear the worries of many who have to deal with the NHS for maternity services.

Britain has the third worst infant mortality rate in Europe. Slovakia is worse. And more worryingly, the hospitals will not admit that they have a problem. They just spend more on drugs and surgery, staggering amounts of money in comparison with other European countries. The government is having to resort to direct control over the worst units, applying 'special measures'. The inspector who was interviewed stated that a lack of co-ordination, poor leadership and a lack of training is behind this. However, the message seems to be that the midwives are good, and where the service is led by midwives, it can be excellent. The division between midwives and doctors is well documented, and illustrates some of the fundamental cultural issues that may prevent the NHS from ever becoming a success.

I do believe that Warwick Hospital is one of the really good ones. However, even there we have already experienced a lack of co-ordination and some poor quality doctors who seem to be working according to rigid and simplistic procedures, and concerned primarily with avoiding medical negligence claims. This latter problem is very serious. They mention it constantly, which is not surprising considering the vast amount of damages that get awarded against the NHS in this part of the service. The result is that doctors will follow the guidelines to ensure that they have official back-up for every act, thus reducing individual consultation time, and failing to treat cases on an individual basis.

I have no idea of how the NHS can be fixed. The problems run too deep. My expectation is that the politicians will continue to fiddle with it for a couple of more years, and then decide that it is just too difficult. They will eventually avoid the responsibility with a rapid sell-off. Anyone got any better ideas?


Comments welcome!

July 16, 2005

Travel Report: Napton to Hellidon off–road on a GS

Follow-up to CW Motorcycles off road ride, Shaftesbury to Stonehenge from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

The trail that runs from just south of Napton on the Hill to Hillindon is one of the few legal byways in Warwickshire. This morning I rode my BMW R100 GS-PD along it.

I had expected the track to be much more rough than it is. Compared to the byways that I know in Oxfordshire, it is smooth and free of the big ruts and pools caused by morons in top of the range 4×4s. This is good to see. Clearly some bikes had been down it recently, but in a sensible manner. The dry weather helped. As I have Metzeler Tourance dual-purpose tyres on, I wouldn't go off on my own in the wet. Today the only problem I had was one deep rut in which the cylinders (which stick out either side on a GS) dragged on the ground.

The route is great, passing through low rolling hills. It's open enough on both sides to get good views of the countryside, including a windmill. RSPB signs indicate that there are ground nesting birds in the fields. Next time I shall take binoculors. And the only other witnesses to me bouncing along on the beemer at 10mph – a small herd of cows and a very confused rabbit.

July 15, 2005

Gadget Report: Wanted: James Bond beemer with baby seat

This is just what I need. A BMW 1200C, as used by Bond to escape the baddies in Tomorrow Never Dies. But with an addition, a Watsonian-Squire sidecar.

May 26, 2005

Meeting a famous bike

Follow-up to Ted Simon and the art of deterritorialization from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

My GS met up with an old friend at CW's at the weekend. Last February, after I got hit on the head by a rock on a Catalan motorway, it spent several months in the garage at CW's sitting next to a more distinguished GS: that ridden by Ted Simon on his latest round the world ride, soon to be documented in the much awaited book "Dreaming of Jupiter".

Ted's bike is a little more battered (well used) despite being younger than mine. It has of course ridden across Europe, Africa, South, Central and North America, Australia and Asia. So you can excuse a few dents. I expect that it does still run well.

After checking with Dave (and on the basis that I'm a member of the Order of Jupiter), we took a few photos. Here's me on the bike:

And Martin:

Notice the photo on the side of the pannier, which is of the world map on the side of Ted's original round the world bike from 1972, which is now in Coventry's Transport Museum:

And finally, a photo of our three bkes:

May 23, 2005

CW Motorcycles off road ride, Shaftesbury to Stonehenge

Follow-up to The wisdom of Obi Wan Kenobi from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

Just to prove that the GS is a great off-road bike rather than a two wheeled Range Rover, we went out with a group of 14 of them in difficult conditions across Dorset to Stonehenge.

Martin (BMW R1100GS) and I (BMW R100GS-PD) had a great weekend in Dorset. On Saturday we had our bikes serviced at the always excellent CW Motorcycles in Dorchester, and then stayed in Charminster's Three Compasses Inn for the night (really good beer). On Sunday morning, we met up with the CW Riders Club and went for a swift road blast to Shaftesbury, where a group on 12 other bikes met up. These included almost all of the bikes from the 25 years of the GS range, including an early 80's GS made into a lightweight trail bike…

…my '93 GS Paris-Dakar, Wally's GS sidecar outfit next to Martin's R1100GS

…several F650's, R1150GS's, Martin's R1100GS, and even a new R1200GS.

The route was excellent, starting with a long stretch along the top of a ridge – an old drover's route i think. An 1150GS was an early casualty, going over just in front of me as it dug awkwardly into a section of chalk gravel used to repair a worn track. Wally followed us with the mechanic Richard on the side car to help with any problems and more importantly to take photos of the fallen bikes.

We then came to a long section with more pools of water than dry road. This was great fun, splashing down into them, causing a bow wave to splash out, and then powering up the other side. Unfortunately, in one very large pool, I got cross-rutted just as I came out, and ended up going sideways and landing with a splash. As you can see from this photo, I was heavilly loaded with camping gear, which didn't help its stability…

After a short section of road, we turned back onto another byway, leading up a steep hill. By this time it had started to rain, and the chalk track got quite slippery. This was made worse by the deep ruts cut into the hillside, some of which were narrower than my rear tyre, causing it to spin. I paddled my way to the top, with both feet down, pausing twice to rest. Once up to the top, we were treated to better roads and a great view. Martin powered along, much faster than me, seeming thoroughly at home sitting rather than standing on his big white GS.

After some smoother tracks, we reached another road, at which point Wally advised the bikes without full off-road knobbly tyres to take a road route for the last couple of miles, as it had started to rain heavily. Once we reached our destination, it really started to pour.

Thanks to all the riders at CW's for making it such a great trip. I'm looking forwards to some more when the weather improves a bit.

The wisdom of Obi Wan Kenobi

"So, young Jedi, you wish to conquer the universe and defeat the forces of darkness. You will need a vehicle, a special vehicle, one for which there are no bounds, one that will allow you to travel to any part of the empire, no matter how uncivilised and wild. One capable of carrying a wookie as pillion and R2D2 in the top box. Such a vehicle exists. But it is only for the bravest of Jedi. You must choose the BMW Gelandestrasse, and may the transverse twin force be with you."

And so I rode with Martin from Engineering (R1100GS) on my R100GS-PD to Dorset, and accompanied by the CW Motorcycles off-roaders, waged war against mud, rocks, vast pools of water, and those nasty rutted chalk tracks wrecked by the drivers of Range Rovers (Darth Vader's choice of car).

May 20, 2005

Highest mileage GS?

Writing about web page

This is The Yellow Peril, also known as The Swamp Thing and Helga. It is a 1993 BMW R100GS PD (Paris-Dakar). It has done over 127,000 miles. Is this the highest mileage GS in existence? In comparison, my GS PD has only done 74,000, so is easily capable of a ride down to Cape Town, or the Long Way Round.

December 18, 2004

Motorcycle lesson number 2: handling power

Follow-up to Watching the road ahead – motorcycle lesson number 1 from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

Do girls like motorcyclists? I think that I have in the past answered this with an emphatic NO. But actually I'm not that certain. I suspect that if one strolls along towards them in leather trousers, smart new Gericke Taureg jacket, carrying a shiny red BMW helmet, and most importantly smiling sweetly, it really does something for them. OK, I admit, I have tried this and can say that it works. But, as my experiments prove, it is the smile that makes all of the difference. Not just any smile, but rather an entirely unexpected smile. Just like that on the face of Shrek when he first sees Princess Fiona. One second you are a monster, and then through a controlled and carefully considered modulation, you are a prince (or at least human).

Bikes teach you that. Not the smile, one hopes that comes naturally, but the control, the timing, and the subtlety. Riding a motorcycle is absolutely nothing like driving a car, as many car drivers find to their embarassment when they first jump onto a bike and snatch at the controls. Any ham-fisted idiot can get into a car, grind through the gears, slam on the brakes, and jerk it through corners without crashing. Ride a bike like that and you would come off right away. Ride a modern sports bike like that, with the power to weight ratio of a rocket and brakes good enough to stop a 747, and you would very quickly be dead.

Smoothe and precise throttle control. Exact and planned gear changes. Balanced application of rear and front brakes. Careful consideration of road surfaces and conditions. Even a consideration of the wind direction. When sitting on a machine with as much power as a modern motorcycle, all of this is necessary. The thing makes a big noise, threatens to kill its rider instantly, stands out from the crowd like a raging bull in the streets of Pamplona, and in return, its rider controls it with a real gentleness and care. Does that sound attractive? A bit like the smile?

Are modern cars changing the behaviour of their drivers? Are they becoming more impetuous, less self-controlled, less gentle? Does their forgiving and safe nature threaten to breed a race of people without care? If so, motorcycles are clearly the antidote.

December 09, 2004

Watching the road ahead – motorcycle lesson number 1

Zen and the Art of Motorycle Maintanance is undoubtedly the worst book ever written. As an account of Eastern Philosophy it is hopeless. As an account of motorcycle maintanance it's downright dangerous. As an attempt at abstracting from motorcycling metaphors and lessons for life, it is infuriating.

The problem is this: motorcycling really does suggest some superb metaphors for life. No, not metaphors, lessons. There are things that one learns as a motorcyclist that apply quite effectively elsewhere. So to make up for Prisig's errors, and to celebrate the more productive writings of the likes of Ted Simon and Desperate Dan Walsh (see this months BiKE magazine), I plan to start collecting and publishing such wisdom right here.

1) Don't look down!

A simple lesson that every motorcyclist learns: look in the direction that you want to go, into the distance, at the place that you'll be by the time you get to think about it, not where you are now. Don't get distracted by what's already under your feet, it's already too late to think about that. And don't ever get fixated on obstacles, hazards or attractive ladies that you are about to pass safely anyway (and besides, girls don't like bikers).

This is especially true of corners. To go around a corner safely and smoothely, one must look at the vanishing point, planning to adjust speed and direction to adapt to it as the information comes in. If you react too late, at the point of already being in the corner, its already too late. The result of getting this wrong is simple, you wobble through the corner, lose grip, brake too late, ignore hazards, and sometimes fall off.

This is all very good, but of course while you are concentrating on the distance, on the vanishing point, stuff is still happening that you have to control. New information is arriving all the time: the road debris that you couldn't see, the diesel spill, the fluctuations in the engine, gearbox, drive and traction. And this is the really important part of the lesson: make your reactions to those things habitual. To be a safe motorcylist, not only must you learn to look into the distance and be strategic, but you must also be able to adapt to the road under your wheels and the control of the bike without even thinking. Your skills need to be so perfect and natural, like breathing.

A balance between habit and strategy, between the predictable management and control processes (tactics) and adaptive intelligent strategy.

Interestingly, since getting bashed over the head on a Spanish motorway, I seem to have lost a little of this in both motorcycling and life. I've fallen off my bike, at slow speeds, several times. This is partly because I am getting distracted and looking down too often, and partly because through a lack of practice I am losing the habits. Moving house did not help. Stopping my regular 130 mile commute contributes. Having to adjust to different eyesight, that works but is different, adds more difficulties. Changing to a more complex and much less predictable job has the same effect.

But over the last week I've started to realise what the problem is, and am concentrating on developing new habits, both on the bike, at home and at work. And things are changing, i'm becoming less distracted, more able to get things done safely, and more able to focus on the road ahead.

You see, biking is good for you!

November 03, 2004

R1200GS vs R100GS Paris–Dakar

On Sunday I went for a ride out with another local GS rider, Steve from Harbury, who I met through the CW Motorcycles Rider's Club. Steve has had five different GS's, including an R1150GS Adventure, the same as that used by Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman for their recent Long Way Round trip.

Steve has ridden these bikes around most of Europe, and has some interesting travels to talk about. However, he now has something rather special, a new R1200GS just like the one in this photo…

The latest in the 25 year history of BMW Gelande-Strasse bikes is a huge step forwards in the evolution of the most successful off-road tourer. Compared to my 1993 R100GS Paris-Dakar, it's more like a sports bike.

Some stats:

  • dry weight R100GS-PD = 236kg, R1200GS =199kg
  • power output R100GS-PD = 65bhp, R1200GS = 100bhp

My old Dakar does have the advantage of a big 21" front wheel and a 35 litre long range tank. I also have an Ohlins shock which makes it handle really well off-road. But as we raced along the road to Moreton, the power difference was obvious. The new GS was able to make overtaking manouvers that I would never have even contemplated as possible. It's cornering stability was also quite obvious when viewed from behind, much more certain and smooth than the old bike. Even taking into account that this was my first fast ride since I got bashed on the head by debris in Spain, and was therefore holding back a bit, I would have had no chance of keeping up if Steve hadn't generously allowed for my sluggishness. Thanks Steve!

But speed isn't everything. As I rode through Leamington on the way home I pulled up next to an R1150GS at the lights. The rider looked at my old Dakar, and with deserving reverence said "that's a great bike, they don't build them as tough as that anymore".

To celebrate, I blasted it over a steep 3 foot high earthen ridge to get into my street via a blocked off short-cut. Just like a real Dakar racer…

October 24, 2004

Sloe gin

Writing about web page

Today the honorary Albanians made an expedition into the Warwickshire countryside to collect the ingredients necessary for our rough country drink, sloe gin. The local llama looked on in amazement.

October 23, 2004

Albania land of champagne

The people of Albania unite and celebrate the victory of the proletariat! Comrades Peter and Sylvia, taking a well earned break from lion hunting, have visited the mother land, and their prize for their great son-in-laws? T-shirts that show our alegiance to the great land of Albania.

October 17, 2004

Trail Riders Fellowship

Writing about web page

Having just moved to Warwickshire and got my GS Dakar back after a long time not riding (bashed over the head in Spain), I thought I'd have a look at the OS to see where I can ride close to home. I was quite alarmed by the fact that there are no byways around here at all. In Oxfordshire they are everywhere, with many of them radiating out from The Ridgeway.

To find out more, I went to the Behind Bars trail bike shop in Kenilworth. They have a great selection of second hand bikes, including a really nice KTM 640. Their range of high quality professional equipment suggests that they are serious. The young man behind the sales desk (son of the owner), confirmed that there are no byways, but that there are many legal green lanes. He gave me a membership form for the Trail Riders Fellowship, who are the national and local authority on this matter. I've been planning to join for a long time, but in Oxfordshire never found it to be absolutely necessary.