June 30, 2006

Web publishing channels of communication

Follow-up to How to write a communications strategy from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

In her guide to writing a communications plan Casey Leaver advises us to map our communications channels to each of our audience sectors, so that appropriate channels are used for each audience. To help with this, I have created a table that analyzes the various web publishing channels available at Warwick, so as to give some guidance on how they can be selected for different audiences.

My table maps each of the following channels/technologies:

Static web site (Sitebuilder)

  • Department
  • Module
  • ePortfolio

Blog, web log, online journal (Warwick Blogs)

  • Individual
  • Team

Discussion forum (Warwick Forums)

  • Public
  • University wide
  • Restricted group

Interview or recording

  • Podcast (MP3 recorder, Sitebuilder)
  • Online video (Video camera, Sitebuilder)

Against these parameters:

  • Owners (in order) – in each case what type of person[s] has ownership of the channel? For example, an individual blog is owned by a single person;
  • Broad or narrow cast?– is content aimed at an unspecified wide audience (broadcast) or a known/delimited audience (narrowcast);
  • Audiences – who is it typically used for;
  • Update pattern – summative or accumulative? Accumulative channels add new content to old (blog), rather than replacing it.
  • Visual design – how does the look get determined? How much control do the owners have?

You can download the file from the E-learning at Warwick web site Please feel free to redistribute it as needed.

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