February 13, 2006

Travel Report: Lawrence of Africa

Follow-up to Travel Report: Penguin flu and giant crabs in Cape Town from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

It was a hard flight from Cape Town to Jo'burg, and then from there to Gaborone. On arriving at the ranch I found young Lawrence, who it seems had spent a week sitting in his jacuzzi on the patio…

lawrence 1

…with the occassional swim in the pool…

lawrence 4

…after a hard day's work running the government…

lawrence 11

…and meeting many new friends…

lawrence 5

lawrence 2

lawrence 9

lawrence 8

lawrence 10

At least he helped the two Peters to cook goat for my birthday…

lawrence 12

- One comment Not publicly viewable

  1. Happy Belated Birthday!

    14 Feb 2006, 08:41

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