Research Notes: The double event, force and the will to power
Reading Ronald Bogue's Deleuze on Literature. In the first chapter he uses Nietzsche and Philosophy to show how literary texts are constituted from forces, of memory and forgetting, of continuity and differentiation.
But forces would never enter into relation with each other if there were no dynamic element within forces that engendered relations. That element Nietzsche calls "will to power". The will to power "thus is added to force, but as the differential and genetic element, as the internal element of its production. Bogue, Deleuze on Literature, p.11
In the first instance, a force is a naked event, experienced as an absolute loss. But a force has two aspects:
- Differential – quantity – dominant/dominated – discontinuous multiplicity – nothing shared – can be divided without changing.
- Genetic – quality – affirmative/negative – feedback loops – continuous multiplicity – virtuality – that which changes in being divided or in adding novelty, must have been there, shared from the start – memory – hence genetic.
Bogue – interpretation concerns the differential, evaluation concerns the genetic.
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