April 30, 2005


Writing about web page http://www.josephbloggs.com/entry.php?entry_id=374

I have tried to write about Mari since her death. I can't. It's far too painful. She was my best friend. I spoke with her every day. Sometimes she would even let me treat her as a daughter. Joseph is much more brave and strong than me, and he has said exactly what I want to say, especially to Mari, that we all love her.

- 2 comments by 0 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Gordon R

    Sorry that I have to write this as an 'Anon' but I've watched a very close friend of mine go through the horrible, tragic experience of losing a younger sister. I'm really sorry for your loss – there isn't anything I can say to make it better. But – time does heal although it is very very painful.

    30 Apr 2005, 02:28

  2. Joe

    You're stronger than you think Rob, and you were always there for Mari.

    We all miss her, but it will get easier,

    take care,


    05 May 2005, 13:14

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