October 06, 2005

King of the Mountain – Kate Bush

Writing about web page http://www.katebush.com

5 out of 5 stars

Always predictably unexpected and unpredictable. Kate again makes great music. Difficult to classify, by definition. A slice of a drama that overflows the song itself. I'll be listening to this for a very long time.

Superb. Dramatic as expected. Dark, very dark humour. The sound is even more voluptuous than ever, matching the depth and intensity of the words. And the subject: celebrity, identity, Citizen Kane, Elvis: a huge drama, both deeply painfully personal, and in an other world altogether – the world in which Elvis dances on his own grave. Keep listening. I will, and it will keep growing in depth.

- 3 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Bush Baby

    Told you it was coming!!!


    12 Oct 2005, 14:23

  2. Robert O'Toole

    Yeh! Are you happy?

    12 Oct 2005, 14:44

  3. dawndy

    so long we have waited for this, i love it and the vidio.
    what a come back, singing about elvis.
    not long for the album now.
    welcome back kate.

    17 Oct 2005, 19:21

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