February 07, 2007

How essential is files.warwick? Completely

Yesterday I stupidly tried to send a large attachment to a colleague at Cambridge. The mail server at Cambridge bounced it back to me with a message stating that my attachment was too big.

Solution: files.warwick – this is the new Warwick system that allows staff to exchange large files over the web. Upload a file, specify a list of email addresses, and it sends download links to those addresses.

The lesson: attachment size limits are now standard at all of the best institutions. My friends at Oxford agree.

Some limits from around the UK:

Bristol 10mb
Cambridge 10mb
Oxford Brookes 10mb
Oxford 10mb
Leicester 10mb (although a 7mb message from Outlook gets rejected, and they recommend a 1mb limit)
York 15mb
Imperial limit is 25mb, but they state that anything over 10mb must use their file exchange system (something like files.warwick)
GMail 10mb
Yahoo 10mb

That pretty much exhausts the list of people in the UK that I could conceivably want to send emails to. So it looks like I have to use files.warwick with these people anyway.

- 3 comments by 3 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Imperial FileExchange

    07 Feb 2007, 09:34

  2. Robert O'Toole

    Looks like file exchange is the kind of thing that sensible universities are doing.

    07 Feb 2007, 10:12

  3. John Waller

    This will be very,very useful – many of my external lecturers are now putting video into their Powerpoint slides and getting advance copies to me had become a huge problem (for them and me). Draft copies of student dissertations can also balloon in size. I’ve used services like dropload.com in the past, but they are far from ideal.

    Whoever thought up files.warwick deserves a medal.

    16 Mar 2007, 09:48

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