March 15, 2007

History IT Update demonstrations

Notes for a presentation to the History Department staff – an update on recent developments.

Arts E-learning homepage

Introduction to e-learning at Warwick

Next e-learning exhibition: 11th May, 12.30 to 14.30 in the Graduate Space.

Features and techniques

  1. Files.Warwick
  2. Term planner calendars
  3. Sitebuilder thematic navigation – keyword search
  4. Blog forms and aggregations
  5. Forums
  6. Podcasting
  7. Quizbuilder
  8. Mindmanager
  9. CAS Image Database
  10. Electronic assignment submission

Investigations and developments

  1. Plagiarism detection
  2. MediaManager
  3. Module members lists and pages
  4. TOOLS Service

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