December 17, 2005

Baby Report: sub–aqua Lawrence

This morning Lawrence had the last of his basic swimming lessons. In preparation for his planned career as an Indian Ocean pearl fisherman, he perfected his underwater swimming technique.

This manouvre involves moving the baby backwards and forwards in the water three times, then pouring water over his head as a warning of his impending submersion. Finally, he is wooshed underwater head first and released. He then "swims" upwards and into the hands of the second assistant (in theory). The correct angle must be maintained at all times to prevent water entering his nose. Apparently, according to the instructor at the stunt-baby school, babies like this, and actually keep there eyes open under water.

Next week, paragliding for infants.

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Wish they'd had this sort of thing when I was young. I have a paranoid fear of putting my head underwater, and consequently don't go swimming very much.

    17 Dec 2005, 17:34

  2. they had this sort of thing when I was young…

    18 Dec 2005, 00:06

  3. Steve Rumsby

    Getting kids used to water this early is a spectacularly good idea. Our kids have been swimming since before their first birthdays, and my (almost) 9 year-old got her mile certificate a couple of months ago. A little more recently she completed her Kellogs/ASA gold certificate, which involves, among other things, swiming 800m using at least three different strokes. Only needing three strokes was quite fortunate, because her butterfly is still a bit iffy…:-)

    At her age I couldn't swim a stroke.

    19 Dec 2005, 15:22

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