October 03, 2005

Performance problems

I'm afraid we seem to be having some performance problems at the moment. Generally pages will load very quickly, but occasionally the whole system grinds to a halt and you might not get a page to render for a minute or more.

Hopefully we'll get this fixed tomorrow.

- 4 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Anyone else snigger slightly at the title if this entry?


    Just me then.

    04 Oct 2005, 09:22

  2. I have now…

    04 Oct 2005, 09:24

  3. Dammit, I just lost the Game

    04 Oct 2005, 16:23

  4. I thought pages not loading inside a minute was just me being on dialup…

    04 Oct 2005, 21:49

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