August 09, 2005

BlogBuilder Update

A new version of BlogBuilder has been released this afternoon:

New Feature: Creating a new blog is now a little more friendly.

First time users will see some links and some information and all users will receive an email welcoming them to WarwickBlogs and giving them a few links.

New Feature: Technorati pings.

You can now turn Technorati pings on on your blog on, which will send a notification to the Technorati website whenever you make a public post. You can turn these off and on per post also, and by default your blog will not notify Technorati.

New Feature: Making External Trackbacks

You can make related entries to blogs outside of the University, and (if their blog is set up well) they will receive notification that you have written a related entry.

New Feature: Deleting Internal Trackbacks

You can now delete internal trackbacks. The link from the original Warwick Blog will remain, but the link back from your blog to the original post will disappear.

Improvement: "No-Textile" rule for non-logged in commenters

Commenters who visit your blog without logging in can now use Textile in their comments.

Improvement: Comment and Trackback emails

Emails received when you get a new comment or trackback have been improved, so that they arrive with the correct sender name and email address (if they have been inputted) and the subject lines display a little better.

Improvement: Internal Trackback emails

You will now receive emails when someone within WarwickBlogs makes an entry that links to yours in the "Writing about…" field.

Fixed: Making trackbacks about other Warwick Blogs posts

When you make a trackback about another Warwick Blog post, it should now find the post that you are talking about and put the title of the post and blog in properly.

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  1. Look at you, Mat, all blog making and stuff.

    09 Aug 2005, 17:07

  2. Nice work.

    Couple of things:

    1. The Admin pages for my blog are all deadly slow now
    2. "You can now turn Technorati pings on on your blog on" – where?

    09 Aug 2005, 17:44

  3. Mathew Mannion

    The Admin pages for my blog are all deadly slow now

    It takes a while after a new build for things to fully compile and so forth, so things get faster after a while.

    "You can now turn Technorati pings on on your blog on" – where?

    On individual posts, and also in the Appearance settings in Admin.

    09 Aug 2005, 18:33

  4. On individual posts, and also in the Appearance settings in Admin. might be my blinding headache but I can't see it anywhere :-S

    09 Aug 2005, 18:57

  5. Mathew Mannion

    [Edit: These changes have been delayed until tomorrow morning (10/08/05)] :)

    09 Aug 2005, 18:59

  6. …and also in the Appearance settings in Admin.

    This isn't an Appearance setting, though. I'm aware that there's nothing better at the moment, but maybe you need a new page "setup" or whatever, for these kinds of tweaks, which I imagine will become more numerous?

    09 Aug 2005, 19:29

  7. Mathew Mannion

    Manage your blog: We all went to heaven in a little row boat

    * Appearance (Change how your blog looks)

    * Manage your blog entries/drafts (Edit, categorise or delete any entry)

    * Manage your blog comments (Manage comments for any blog entry)

    * Edit your categories (The sections your blog entries are divided into)

    * Manage your images (Upload, edit or delete any image)

    * Edit your profile (Change your "About me" page settings)

    * Manage your favourite blogs (Add, edit and delete blogs)

    * Export (Save or print parts of your blog)

    My personal blog has an Appearance settings page…

    09 Aug 2005, 19:32

  8. Mathew Mannion

    Ah, I think you meant that the setting isn't there yet. Check back tomorrow :) There was a small bug and we rolled back to the previous version until tomorrow

    09 Aug 2005, 19:33

  9. No, I really did mean what I said:

    This isn't an Appearance setting

    Whether your blog pings technorati is nothing to do with its appearance – what I was trying to say is that these kinds of configuration setting (of which I expect more to appear) should be more obvious in the Admin menu.

    09 Aug 2005, 22:51

  10. Mathew Mannion

    Ah sorry, I misread. I'm sure it will change to something more appropriate than "Appearance" soon

    10 Aug 2005, 00:11

  11. Mathew Mannion

    All being well, all the changes should now be in place.

    10 Aug 2005, 11:11

  12. John Dale

    I think you're right, Max, that we need to break out some of the settings currently found under "Appearance" into their own section. The choices about being visible in the directory, showing the "Contact me" link and the Trackback/Technorati settings seem like obvious choices. Chris and I were talking about what this new section might be called; he suggested "Privacy and syndication"; I suggested "Hide and seek". :-)

    As a matter of interest, what additional configuration options do you have in mind when you say you expect more to appear?

    10 Aug 2005, 20:08

  13. I'd just like to stick my oar in and say that I think a link back to your own blog from everyone else's (like the one found when signed in on the Showall page) would be useful. There have been a large number of times when I've sighed "oh dam that extra click" to myself when trying to get back to my own blog

    10 Aug 2005, 23:31

  14. I guess more configuration options would be the ability to change the style colours and images. That could be accomplished and would (so far as I can think right now) only face the same set of problems as you already have with regular image uploading as long as you specify and verify the dimensions of the images to be uploaded for things like the title bar.

    Thats an advanced option which would be attractive to some (like myself) who'd like to make their blogs feel a bit more personal while still remaining part of the community.

    11 Aug 2005, 14:47

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