August 16, 2005

BlogBuilder Update 16/08/05

Another new version of BlogBuilder has been released with some new features and improvements:

  • You can now modify images and galleries on your own blog when you're logged in whilst viewing the galleries yourself
  • You can now remove images from galleries with a single click
  • You can now view slideshows for individual galleries
  • Slideshows should now display all your images and galleries properly
Inserting Images into Entries
  • You can now insert images into your blog posts that are centred in your entry
  • You can now insert images that are thumbnails to the full size images
  • You can now insert images even if they are not in a gallery

These are basically improvements to the form that you get when you click the little icon next to "To insert an image" on your "Create an Entry" screens, allowing you to add an image from a gallery or from another website easily.

What this does, when you click the "Select this image" button (or on a layout), is insert a piece of HTML code into your blog entry that will produce the desired affect.

Game Reviews

There is a new type of entry – Video Game Reviews. They work pretty much the same as DVD reviews too, and display the name and publisher of the game along with any rating you have given it on your blog. You can also view all Game reviews on each person's blog, or throughout the entire of Warwick Blogs.

General Improvements
  • When you delete comments from your admin screen, it now returns you back to the admin screen rather than to the entry itself
  • Emails for a new registration when you request a blog now indicate that your blog has not been made "live" yet
WGA Members

Blogs will be transferred shortly between your current usercode (which will expire) and the new usercode that has been set up. Once this has happened you will be emailed with your new usercode and password.

If you have not already contacted us about keeping access to your blog, please see the entry here.

- 23 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Goddamit I wrote all those game reviews and NOW there's a specific caterogy? Suck. :-(

    16 Aug 2005, 17:58

  2. Mathew Mannion

    To be fair you wrote them before my internship started ;)

    16 Aug 2005, 18:08

  3. True.

    16 Aug 2005, 21:05

  4. Hurrah! I had been waiting for the game review option. Now I shall write some reviews. Of games.

    17 Aug 2005, 18:12

  5. That 'entire of Warwick Blogs' link doesn't do anything, I think it only searchs user 'news'.

    17 Aug 2005, 18:16

  6. Mathew Mannion

    Whoops :) Fixed it now

    17 Aug 2005, 18:50

  7. I take it there's no chance of getting student priveleges as a member of wga is there?

    17 Aug 2005, 23:28

  8. Mathew Mannion

    Well, the difficult thing is that technically although you're ex student/staff, it's not technically true that you're part of the Student/Staff group and as a result you shouldn't be able to read University only posts – although I know it is a complete bind. I'll talk to Kieran about it and see if External users should be included in Staff/Students (since external people are either staff who are here on subcontracted work or, now, WGA members)

    17 Aug 2005, 23:45

  9. thanks :-)

    18 Aug 2005, 00:15

  10. Oh, and when is the yellow bar on the home page gonna get changed so the |'s arent part of the links? :P

    18 Aug 2005, 01:04

  11. when i've finished breaking everything else.

    18 Aug 2005, 01:12

  12. Glad to hear it.

    18 Aug 2005, 11:27

  13. Can we have a Restaurant Review category please?

    18 Aug 2005, 15:07

  14. I would like to be able to review people.

    18 Aug 2005, 15:13

  15. Mathew Mannion

    All your demands! :(

    19 Aug 2005, 09:32

  16. A query for you – one of my friends, who has now graduated, would like to be able to read my blog. She does have a WGA login, but all my posts are "student" view only, because I work for Unitemps, and they don't want my personal life to be viewed throughout the world…

    Is there a way I can make all my posts "Students + Friends" view only?



    19 Aug 2005, 10:03

  17. Mathew Mannion

    This is a similar question to comment 7, and at the moment there's no way to do multiple permissions, I think. I'll ask the boss when he gets back

    19 Aug 2005, 10:05

  18. Mathew Mannion

    Ah, I was wrong – if you select "Custom…" from the permissions drop down you can add, say, Student there – then you'll need to create a new group in your Admin page with just that user on.

    19 Aug 2005, 11:11

  19. Cool. Sorted (I think)



    19 Aug 2005, 19:23

  20. I rate Mat 4 stars out of a possible 5. Well done Mat, you're a good person.

    19 Aug 2005, 22:04

  21. I agree…
    Even if he does vote Labour…



    20 Aug 2005, 10:31

  22. Mathew Mannion

    To be fair, I voted Labour out of principle, not out of being of those thoughts :P

    21 Aug 2005, 18:34

  23. :P

    21 Aug 2005, 22:21

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