September 02, 2005

BlogBuilder update: Custom CSS

There has been a new release of BlogBuilder today, with the following changes:

New Features

  • Advanced users can now modify the designs of their blog using their own custom CSS styles through the Appearance page. An example of this in use is here, and you can find more information in the Frequently Asked Questions.
  • You can now see pages showing images for a particular tag by clicking on the links on tags added to images.


  • You can now turn Notifications (emails you get when you get a new comment or trackback) on or off on your "Appearance" screen.
  • There is now a link to "My saved drafts" if you have any unpublished entries under "Create Entry" on your blog.
  • When you create a TV or Movie review, you can now select the image from your gallery or upload a new image.
  • When you create a World-Viewable entry, by default the commenting permissions are now set to "Staff/Student" (but can be changed manually to Anyone)


  • A slight problem with RSS feeds for Favourites in Firefox has been fixed.
  • Technorati should now do better in indexing pages on the site and working out what content is new.
  • A problem where when you edit an entry and preview it, settings for trackbacks/technorati pings are lost has been resolved.
  • Tags now display slightly nicer at the bottom of entries

- 28 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. CSS! YES!

    02 Sep 2005, 11:24

  2. Mathew Mannion

    Get in

    02 Sep 2005, 11:28

  3. Fantastic

    02 Sep 2005, 11:45

  4. Now that is exciting!

    Might have to wait a bit though – unless the Ingram consultancy service is still open. (Wry grin)

    02 Sep 2005, 11:47

  5. Mathew Mannion

    Ingram is always open.

    02 Sep 2005, 11:51

  6. I already styled mine… by which I mean I stole Mat's style, and moved the menu to the right hand side! Magic!

    02 Sep 2005, 11:54

  7. Mathew Mannion

    To be fair I stole about half of mine from

    02 Sep 2005, 11:58

  8. Right, that's it. Wholesale theft is clearly the way forward…

    02 Sep 2005, 12:06

  9. Nicely done :)

    02 Sep 2005, 12:39

  10. Ok a very pedestrian first attempt

    …but I have still got my L plates on with CSS.

    02 Sep 2005, 13:43

  11. People might want to be careful at first, their changes might suddenly break once all my modifications are done.

    02 Sep 2005, 14:31

  12. Yes, nice one!

    Now I can change the deisgn even more often!

    02 Sep 2005, 14:49

  13. I started playing around with this as well and made a nice clean page layout for me to start altering:

    Clean Blog

    With a bit of imagination its very flexible.

    02 Sep 2005, 15:31

  14. And technical skill – don't forget that bit.

    (I have imagination in abundance.)

    02 Sep 2005, 15:36

  15. Mathew Mannion

    I have technical skill but no imagination :(

    02 Sep 2005, 15:52

  16. I have a clean blog, it's called layout.css

    except it doesn't work in the current blogs, but it will.

    02 Sep 2005, 15:59

  17. An excellent complement to this new functionality, for newbies to CSS and averagely tecnical people would be a fully comented .css file (with example modifications in the header comments) for one of the classic generic layouts.

    02 Sep 2005, 16:14

  18. i expect it would

    02 Sep 2005, 16:24

  19. Lovely lovely, will have to try to reacquaint myself with CSS!

    Re: the new default commenting permissions, are graduates real people yet? What's planned to stop us being locked out of more and more WB post topics?

    02 Sep 2005, 16:27

  20. Mathew Mannion

    No, you're still fake people. I… don't know, to be honest – I'm not sure what the agenda is on hooking the WGA systems up to Warwick so we can steal all your data.

    02 Sep 2005, 16:44

  21. Can't you just have a generic "logged-in" permission?

    02 Sep 2005, 16:47

  22. erm is there a list of the different classes we can edit for the CSS on our blogs, the ones I am trying just don't seem to work, and can only get the ones from the examples on the FAQ to work, or could a few more examples be added as I'm kinda newish to CSS.

    02 Sep 2005, 17:25

  23. the easiest way is to use the aardvark plugin for firefox and hover the mouse over which element you want to style, it should show you the name of the class/id

    02 Sep 2005, 17:38

  24. oh cool didn't though that existed /me brings up total plugins to 21 :S

    02 Sep 2005, 17:45

  25. Right click 'view page source' is a low tech substitute.

    02 Sep 2005, 20:32

  26. Had a stab at a commented version of the black style focussing on colour changing. Did it mainly for my own reference, but it might be useful to someone.

    03 Sep 2005, 03:41

  27. can you either enable custom CSS for the admin pages or add: img {
    vertical-align: middle;

    to the admin stylesheet, those dotted lines under the help images are sooooo annoying.

    05 Sep 2005, 00:13

  28. done (well for me, not for any of you yet)

    05 Sep 2005, 00:34

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