March 09, 2006

14th March downtime

We are upgrading to the latest greatest version of the Oracle database where all of the Warwick Blogs data lives on Tuesday 14th March between 09:30 and 11:30. This will mean that Warwick Blogs will be unavailble between those times.

- 7 comments by 3 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. It's alright, we'll all be celebrating St Patrick's Day anyway.

    09 Mar 2006, 10:10

  2. Matthew Jones

    Er, ok. What am I missing?

    09 Mar 2006, 10:17

  3. Holly, that's not til the 17th!

    09 Mar 2006, 12:04

  4. You English are amateurs, what's the point of a national holiday if you only celebrate it on one day? Seriously, St George's Day should run from 20th-25th April, hehehe…

    09 Mar 2006, 13:49

  5. Mathew Mannion

    St George's Day conjures up images of people getting stabbed with swords in the face, and therefore should generally be shortened, not lengthened…

    09 Mar 2006, 18:11

  6. Your logic confuses me Mat. Surely more stabbing time is preferable.

    09 Mar 2006, 21:04

  7. Upgrade was successful and happened on time.

    14 Mar 2006, 11:33

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