All entries for Thursday 16 November 2006

New release

A new release of BlogBuilder today has added a few new features and fixed some bugs that may be of interest to users:

  • We have tweaked the CSS in blogs slightly and as part of this have added two new styles to pick from, Simplicity and Floral, with a variety of colours. You can use these on your blog by going to “Admin” and then to “Appearance”
  • It is now much easier to use the Textile function to do tables, as we have provided some global CSS classes to style them with:


|_. Header1|_. Header2|_. Header3|
Header1 Header2 Header3
Cell1 Cell2 Cell3
Cell4 Cell5 Cell6


|_. Header1|_. Header2|_. Header3|
Header1 Header2 Header3
Cell1 Cell2 Cell3
Cell4 Cell5 Cell6


|_. Header1|_. Header2|_. Header3|
Header1 Header2 Header3
Cell1 Cell2 Cell3
Cell4 Cell5 Cell6

You can also combine these classes by putting a space in between the class names:

table(outline divider).
|_. Header1|_. Header2|_. Header3|
Header1 Header2 Header3
Cell1 Cell2 Cell3
Cell4 Cell5 Cell6
  • You can now choose how many entries to display on your blog’s home page by going to “Admin” then “Settings”
  • We now allow per-blog and global aggregation by author with the user’s usercode, for example

For the more technical amongst you, we also now support Microsummaries, allowing users to get live titles in bookmarks in certain browsers.

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  • I am aiming to achieve better organisation and planning skills and focus on how to deal with disrupt… by on this entry
  • N.B. we responded directly to Sian when this query was asked via another channel. For reference, Fee… by Simon Harper on this entry
  • I was pleased to see this change: "We've modified the Atom API to allow setting of arbitrary permiss… by Sian Prosser on this entry
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