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March 08, 2021

Not stupid but panicking: a video resource

Writing about web page https://youtu.be/7zW8w9kuu6E

Dan Siegel's hand model of the brain is beautiful and accessible.

His vidoes are clear and effective.

I have been asked for an equivalent about how to apply the model to addressing maths anxiety.

I have made a first attempt - very much home grown during the pandemic.

I hope this will inspire others to make more polished ones.

June 12, 2018

Launch of Maths Anxiety Trust

Writing about web page http://mathsaction.org.uk/

The Maths Anxiety Trust holds its first major event – a Summit on Maths Anxiety – on the 13th June 2018.

February 10, 2018

Addressing mathematics anxiety


Ellen Marshall and I presented this paper about addressing maths anxiety in Summer 2017.

September 01, 2016

Thoughts on developing mathematical resilience from Nick Peatfield

Writing about web page http://www.bsrlm.org.uk/IPs/ip35-2/BSRLM-IP-35-2-13.pdf

Nick Peatfield, University of Bristol and John Cabot Academy, develops the construct Mathematical Resilience further:

He writes: "Some general form of learning resilience was part of [many previous initiatives]. It was Johnston-Wilder and Lee (2010), however, who first tried to refine this notion to apply specifically to mathematics, and pull out some of the specific mathematical attributes and strategies that learners need to have in order to be resilient in doing mathematics."


May 09, 2016

Relevance of resilience to the primary SATs protest

Writing about web page http://theconversation.com/profiles/laura-nicholson-263501

"... there are differences in how SATs are viewed by different children. Some perceive them to be stressful, while others view them as a challenge.

... How resilient a child is can reduce the negative effects of test anxiety on performance. Specifically, children who believe they can succeed, trust and seek comfort from others easily and who are not overly sensitive, can be better at combatting the problems associated with test anxiety. Parents may therefore help their children by attempting to nurture and boost their resilience."

November 30, 2015

Conference: Promoting Mathematical Resilience

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ces/research/mathematicsresilience/

The conference booking pages are now live:


By request, we have increased the number of bursaries available to teachers and members of the community who wish to share the work they are doing to promote mathematical resilience.

November 28, 2015

Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils: NFER report

Writing about web page http://www.nfer.ac.uk/publications/PUPP01/PUPP01_home.cfm

In terms of our work on developing mathematical resilience, the key aspects of this report are the finding that greater success for disadvantaged pupils was associated with a combination of metacognitive, collaborative and peer learning strategies, emphasis on achievement for all pupils, and addressing the needs of individual pupils.

This chimes well with our early findings about the efficacy of the growth zone model as a tool to support metacognitive awareness, and of developing the growth mindset, mathematical inclusion for all, collaborative (conjoint) agency and peer coaching (as opposed to peer tutoring).


November 06, 2015

What is mathematical resilience?

Our work on mathematical resilience is deeply rooted in the work of others, including Bandura.

Once a learner is mathematically resilient, they are able to "maintain self-efficacy in the face of personal or social threat to mathematical well-being".

See https://www.uky.edu/~eushe2/Bandura/BanEncy.html

November 04, 2015

Maths action looking at maths anxiety in girls

Writing about web page http://mathsaction.org.uk/reports/

It is great to see another organisation working to overcome mathematics exclusion.

The focus of this group is on inclusion of femininity in maths and on the need for mathematics inclusion and overcoming maths anxiety as issues of social justice.

October 30, 2015

Students using the growth zone model

I have had a lovely message from a teacher who uses the growth zone model.

She writes:

One of my students, when describing how they felt in the green zone, said: 'Proud because I know I can do it well'. Another, on the AS, said: 'I go straight from green to red because my orange circle is very narrow'. I love how this model gives students a meaningful metaphor and language to discuss their feelings.

It seems to me a significant part of the process that the students learn to recognise when they have a very narrow growth zone, and subsequently learn to grow it.

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