October 21, 2011

Marketing and Participatory Design Thinking Practical

Follow-up to Marketing and Participatory Design Thinking from Inspires Learning - Robert O'Toole

Following on from my lecture...

In just 45 minutes, we responded to this creative brief...


With small teams each creating mind maps of their proposed campaigns, and presenting them to the rest of the class (with the maps displayed through the projectors). The maps were created using the Mindjet app on iPads (connected to the screen with a VGA connector). Mindjet is available for free from the Apple App Store for iPhone and for iPad. The Mindjet Mindmanager Windows and Apple desktop software is available for free to all Warwick students and staff.

Some very good initial campaign ideas were presented. It was suggested that they would form the starting point for a participatory design process, bringing in customers/stakeholders to test and develop the ideas further.

Click on each image to see it full size.

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The materials that were created for the real Warwick Blogs publicity campaign can be viewed here.

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