May 20, 2011

Interview with John O'Toole about ethnodrama, OSL, technology and design

Follow-up to Mantle of the designer? John O'Toole and Julie Dunn on process drama and technology from Inspires Learning - Robert O'Toole

In their article "Learning in Dramatic and Virtual Worlds: What Do Students Say About Complementary and Future Directions?"1, John O'Toole and Julie Dunn discussed the differences between entertainment-oriented technologies and pedagogically-oriented technologies. This was illustrated by a case study that demonstrated the importance of students thinking about technology, learning and creativity with what I would call a designerly approach. In an earlier article, I explored this by suggesting that we transform Dorothy Heathcote's "mantle of the expert" into a "mantle of the designer" pattern. Thanks to the Open-space Learning project, I had an opportunity to explore these ideas with John O'Toole in an interview.

1"Learning in Dramatic and Virtual Worlds: What Do Students Say About Complementary and Future Directions?", Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 42, No. 4, Winter 2008.

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