November 22, 2009

Bicycle User Group

Dear Bicycle User Group member

As part of the evolving Transport Strategy at the University, it has
been suggested that ‘formalising’ the Bicycle User Group (along the
lines of Warwick Car Share for example) and adding benefits such as…

- reduced cost of Warwick Sport membership to enable access to shower
- reduced cost purchase of accessories
- links to Car Share scheme to assist occasional cyclists
- access to on-site cycle repair facilities
- regular free cyclists ‘breakfasts’ (apparently an employer can
provide these as a tax-free benefit up to 6 times per year)
- commitment from the University to meet with Users and take account
of needs in new and existing works to campus.
- cycle training scheme

...would be desirable.

Please do let me have feedback here or though bug[at]listserv.
I’ll take views back to the next Transport Strategy Group on Thurs 10

- 8 comments by 6 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Graeme Shaw

    I think this is a very good idea!

    23 Nov 2009, 09:08

  2. Steven Maggs

    I would very much like to see some sort of incentive for occasional cyclists when it comes to parking. I cycle to work when I can but probably drive a little more than 50% of the time. The reasons are varied…got to get home early to pick up kids from school or I have things to take home or the weather is really poor….

    Currently I have to pay the full parking fee from my salary. It would be good to reward occasional cyclists by reducing the monthly parking fee by an amount commensurate with the number of times the car was not used. Not sure how this would be achieved technically.

    23 Nov 2009, 09:22

  3. Lucy Tomlinson

    Some great ideas here, would encourage more cyclists, cyclists appear to be somewhat neglected by the university. Improving cyclists road safety is a good idea, will give users confidence and maybe encourage them to cycle to work more often.

    23 Nov 2009, 13:50

  4. Tracy McCusker

    I think these are really good ideas, I am so glad that Warwick is thinking of incentives for employees to be more ‘green’, I take it you will be notifying employees of where you can have repairs done on your bike and how you go about claiming our 6 free breakfasts ? Thanks in anticipation

    26 Nov 2009, 12:41

  5. Great idea. Let us know if we can help with anything.
    More secure bicycle parking would be great too!

    30 Nov 2009, 14:10

  6. Simon Harper

    Sounds great Andrew. Not sure quite where it fits, but I would like to see improvements to cycle routes to and from the University somewhere on the agenda. Thanks.

    30 Nov 2009, 20:39

  7. Robert O'Toole

    Could we perhaps change “occasional cyclists” to “part-time cyclists”. I think there are many people who cycle for part of the week. And i’m sure that there could be many more who use a mixed approach to transport, if only the car parking set up didn’t discourage it. Calling us “occasional cyclists” makes us sound irrelevant.

    I travel by car, bicycle or motorcycle, depending upon the weather, my work commitments, family commitments and health. However, for various reasons I’m increasingly discouraged from using my bicycle.

    03 Dec 2009, 09:28

  8. A cycle repair facility on campus would be great. It is annoying to need to trek to Albany or Jardine cycles everytime I need a puncture kit inner tube….

    04 Feb 2010, 22:39

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